


Native language:
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United Kingdom
Dominican Republic
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Teaching License
  • British English
  • Beginner
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Bachelor of Principles of Education and Methods of Language Education (Magna Cum Laude) TEFL/TESOL Certificate (Grade A) BTEC National in Business and Finance (Passed with Merit)
Hello! I Hope you are your family are well. I am looking forward to being your guide on your language learning journey. See you soon! :-)
I love learning new languages. I am fluent in Spanish, French and Haitian Kreyol. I am also passionate about meeting new people and teaching them valuable life skills, such as English! I have lived in the Dominican Republic for the last 20 years. It is most definitely my favorite Country in the world. However, I've not yet visited Japan!
Message from the instructor
I will help you to understand the reason behind my corrections, but my main focus will be to build your confidence in your language skills and encourage you to speak English like a native.
  • hideaki.t060


    Thank you very much as always.

  • Noboru_Tsuzuki


    Hi Roo90 - Many thanks for your correction, and I was impressed them. I have just finished re-text them to understand well. Thanks again, - Noboru

  • challenger2016


    Dear teacher Roo90 Thank you for reading and correcting my sentences. The stories of Dr House are often emotionally exciting for me, and cannot always be simple refreshing. I’m looking for to learning from you again next time. Sincerely Challenger2016

  • challenger2016


    Dear teacher Roo90 Thank you for reading and correcting my sentences. I’m looking forward to learning from you again next time. Sincerely Challenger2016

  • mika1718902


    Thank you very much for your correction and explanation. I learned a lot what I can't understand the difference fromJapanese books for English learners.

  • hideaki.t060


    Thanks for correcting. This is very helpful for me.

  • Noboru_Tsuzuki


    Many thanks for your prompt feedback. I will re-text them to understand well. Thanks again!

  • yoshiko2019


    Thank you very much for your helpful feedback. I will try to write more natural English sentences. I hope you will give me your advice again.

  • aimomy


    Thank you very much for your revision. Please tell me if I need to change ”expresses” to ”express” because of revising the subject’s correction in second sentence.

  • hana.yama


    Thank you for great corrections. I learned how to use the words "wrap" and "secure" from your corrections. Sadly, putting on a Kimono is no longer a daily routine for most Japanese people, and when we put on a Kimono, we usually ask an expert to help us put it on.

  • hideaki.t060


    I appreciate your kindly correcting my sentence.

  • aimomy


    Thank you very much for your revision. Your amendment is good for me due to making my vague thought clear. Then, I thought that I could change the sentence below. if it have negative impact against old people, ‥ Thank you.

  • yasu2008


    Merry Christmas Teacher Roo90 Thank you for checking. I wanted to describe that I would like to do miy time if I could stay longer. I hope that you have a nice Christmas Day

  • aimomy


    Thank you very much for your revision. In my first sentence, I wanted to say that if 75 percent is high or not, depend on the general successful rate when a couple wouldn't use the tool because we usually judge the value by comprison.

  • atsumasa0725


    Thank you for your corrections. This will improve my English skill.


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