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United Kingdom
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Teaching License
  • British English
  • Kids
  • Beginner
Qualifications/certificates TESOL Certificate - Teacher of English to speakers of other languages (Trinity London) 2018 PGCE Post Graduate Certificate in Education (Primary) (University of London) 1993 Degree - Law and French LLB (Hons)
I am happy to take orders any day of the week. I will always try to advise you as efficiently and as promptly as possible. When I am available I am quite often able to start on your work straight away.
Travel is my passion! I love travelling, other cultures and languages. I have been to many European countries, North America, Africa, the middle east, Singapore and Thailand. I also enjoy art, cinema and the theatre. I keep fit by swimming and walking/hiking. I have walked the Camino of Santiago de Compostella in Northern Spain. I would dearly love to visit Japan one day!
Message from the instructor
I am thorough and pay attention to detail. I like to suggest different ways of phrasing sentences in English. I aim to pass on as much knowedge about English as is possible through text correction. I like to be helpful, positive and encouraging.
  • Hiro0223


    Dear Julia Thank you for very much. Of course I will keep up with my sturdy . I want to communicate with you in English . Best wishes Hiro ,

  • yoichi0609


    Dear Julia, Thank you very much for your quick response. I'm happy because what I wrote was almost correct. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. Have a nice day. Best regards, yoichi0609

  • Yuuuuuki


    Dear Julia Vivian Thank you for reading my text as usual. Yes, I got some good exercise and I finally got the restaurant today! It was amazing.. I hope to work with you again. Please stay safe and have a good day. Best wishes, Yuki

  • Yuuuuuki


    Dear Julia Vivian Thank you for your feedback and It's been a while! I tend to make some errors in the use of preposition, I should learn about it way harder. Anyway I'm very happy to hear from you and enjoyed writing in English. I hope to work with you soon. Best Wishes, Yuki

  • nara


    Dear Julia Vivian, Thank you very much for your correction and message! The route was along the coast line of the Okhotsk sea; our right side was dark gloomy sea (we left the city where we lived after four pm) and the left side was a desolated field where nobody lived. I guess that you can see the similar scenery somewhere in Scotland. At that time, the music we were listening was "The Load Of The Ring" sound track. That was very dramatic. Again, I really appreciate your help as always. Best regards, Ayako Nara https://www.google.co.jp/maps/@44.9844899,142.5486479,3a,75y,257.41h,92.94t/data=!3m10!1e1!3m8!1sgK5h89x0iw-eaB2mUFpOMw!2e0!6s%2F%2Fgeo2.ggpht.com%2Fcbk%3Fpanoid%3DgK5h89x0iw-eaB2mUFpOMw%26output%3Dthumbnail%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26thumb%3D2%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D29.609562%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i13312!8i6656!9m2!1b1!2i44?hl=en&authuser=0

  • Yuka.Bleu


    Dear Ms JuliaVivian, Thank you very much for your helpful feedback! Your alternative sentences always give me a learning experience. Also, thank you very much for your helpful answer to my question!

  • bito1131212


    Thank you for your rapid correction. Best regards.

  • Yusi


    Thank you very much for your detailed instruction and kind messages.

  • nara


    Dear Julia Vivian, Thank you very much for your correction and message! I didn't know that many people in Europe were also open to the Buddhist philosophies. I think that Japanese people have to know about Christian thoughts more, so we may be able to understand each other more and more. In my workplace, there are many stressful people who cannot forgive others who make mistakes. I want to suggest them to go to Mexico or Jamaica where might change their values thoroughly. Again, I really appreciate your help as always. Best regards, Ayako Nara

  • yoooheey


    Thank you for your corrections! I enjoyed this lesson!

  • torug3


    Thanks always. I'll keep up my English! Please stay in safe and have wonderful days. PS: I'm a 41-year-old male. I'm also looking forward to working with you again.

  • Yamato3262


    Thank you for your correcting my English sentences.

  • IDIY35


    Thank you for your review and corrections. Thank you for teaching me usage of these words. It's very new to me and I will try to use them. 'loose definition' 'want get into shape'

  • IDIY35


    Thank you for your correction and also your reply to my question. Those three examples are very informative for me. I should write sentences more clearly in English. Thank you very much.

  • nara


    Dear Julia Vivian, Thank you very much for your correction and message! I didn't know that "hell" didn't need "the." Actually, my father didn't know the meaning of the food; he just followed what he was told to do so. When I was young, I thought it was ridiculous to do something without knowing the meanings. But now I know that these kind of traditional actions are connected to good family memories; I also remember my father every year saying,"Who invented it? It doesn't look delicious at all." Again, I really appreciate your correction. I became a member of IDIY service in August 2017; it has been three years now. I started it for my job at first, but now this is one of my hobbies. Best regards, Ayako Nara


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