thank you for revising my sentences. I have not been to live in abroad, I feel difficult to understand what is natural usage of words and phrases so that your advice is very helpful. I will soon post again. Best Regards, Rie Yamazaki
Thank you so much!
Thank you, Ms Roo90! I’ll try to be a good example for my kids. :) Thank you for your corrections and kind comment!
Thank you for your corrections and kind message! I’ll keep up trying !
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much for good instructions !
I thank so much for your advise. I do hope I will have instructions from you again.
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much.
Dear Roo90, Thank you for you correction to my sentence. I need to pay attention more to grammar, I think. And, I want to remember the word in your message, 'enrich'. Thank you.
Thank you very much!
Dear Ms. Roo90, Hello. I appreciated to your quick response and corrections of my sentences, because I was able to remember what I wrote about easily. Thank you for your thoughtful comment, too. Yes, that was the one of pitfalls of multitasking. This time, I studied that the difference between how to use “could” and “was able to” from your suggestions. Kind regards, Lochness
Thank you very much!
Thank you for your corrections and comments.
Thank you for your feedback and comments. They are helpful to improve my writing skill! Tomoo