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  • Exam Preparation
  • American English
Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences TEFL certificate RELEVANT COURSES Technical and Professional Writing Language Acquisition Theory ELL Methods and Assessment I, including the SIOP model (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) ELL Assessment II Speech, Thought and Culture Foundations of Education EXAMS West-B and West-E Teacher Exams (out of possible score of 300) Test Date Taken Score West-B Writing 2/26/2011 280 West-B Reading 2/26/2011 268 West-B Math 4/16/2011 297 West-E Elementary Teachers I 4/16/2011 270 West-E Elementary Teachers II 6/4/2011 280 West-E English Language Learners 7/23/2011 271
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I enjoy hiking in beautiful places, especially the mountains and the ocean. I live near Mount Rainier and the Pacific Ocean. I have visited Italy. I especially like: Venice, Florence, Rome, Sorrento, the Amalfi Coast, and Pompeii. My favorite country is France. I hope to visit there one day.
Message from the instructor
I love correcting all student submissions. I have knowledge of the American Psychological Association Style (APA), the Chicago/Turabian Manual of Style (CMOS), and the Modern Language Style (MLA).
  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were easy to understand and helpful!

  • macharei


    Thank you always for the corrections and explanations. I didn't know the phrase of 'give up on', and I will remember it. Also, I understand that 'who (is making effort)'should be meant in a sentence when I use 'effort' as a subject. Thank you!

  • mashroom


    Dear Ms. HappyTeacher, Thank you for your advice! Have a nice week!

  • macharei


    First of all, thank you for your answer to my question about 'emotionally intelligent'. Your answer helps me a lot to understand the meaning of the phrase! Also, I appreciate your corrections to sound natural, such as 'having the ability to ….'. Thank you!

  • mashroom


    Dear HappyTeacher, I appreciate your advice! Have a nice weekend!

  • mashroom


    Dear Ms.HappyTeacher! As always, your advice is very helpful! I hope you have a great weekend!

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were easy to understand and helpful. I will never forget to use “investing” rather than “investment” after “start” in contexts like this essay.

  • macharei


    Thank you always for your checking my writing. What you pointed out was helpful. I will remember to use the phrase of 'one of the (plurals). Thank you!

  • macharei


    Thank you always for corrections and alternative expressions. I would like to be able to use words like 'not necessarily' and 'involve in' in appropriate places. Thank you!

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were easy to understand and helpful as always!

  • googlitter


    When I got your comment, I didn't noticced Star system. I learned much with your kind and vast explanation. Sorry for late feed back and, thank you again.

  • mashroom


    Hello Ms. HappyTeacher, I appreciate your advice! Have a wonderful weekend!

  • macharei


    Thank you for checking my writing. Also, I appreciate your teaching me alternative words, which are new to me. Thank you!

  • mashroom


    Hello Ms. HappyTeacher, As always, your advice is very helpful for me! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  • macharei


    Thank you for the corrections and alternative expressions. I've not known the word 'yearn', so I will to try to use this new word when it is possible. Thank you!


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