Thank you very much for your message. I learned a "clean slate" as a new expression. Please enjoy the attached YouTube material of ringing bells (Joya no Kane).
Thank you for coaching me, Yuichi
Thank you for your continuous support.
Thank you for coaching me, Yuichi
Thank you for correcting my sentences.
Thank you for your corrections!
Thank you very much!
Thank you for your corrections and kind comments, Roo90. I’ll keep on trying this year too. Thank you!
Thank you for correcting my sentences. Your corrections are pretty clear! I hope I can see you again someday. A happy new year. I hope you'll have me for another year.
Yes, That is what I want to say. Thank you for coaching me, Yuichi
Thank you for your helpful corrections.
You’ve always been a great help.
Thank you for correcting my sentences. Your corrections are pretty clear! I hope I can see you again someday.
Thanks for reviewing my writing again! I am very happy that I can learn new expressions from your message. I’m going to learn English more and more. See you someday and have a happy new year!
Thank you for coaching, Yuichi