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United States
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Teaching License
  • American English
MA in TESOL---Master of Arts in Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages Monterey Institute of International Studies (1995) MS in Education--Master of Science in Education, University of Pennsylvania (1974)
Thursdays and Fridays
Hobbies include reading, watching movies, and music. My favorite country is Canada. The countries that I have visited: Mexico, Canada, Japan, Switzerland, Korea, France, and England.
Message from the instructor
When teaching I often illustrate explanations with examples of expressions most frequently used. In addition, I often point out whether chosen expressions are formal or informal. I may make recommendations of a few different ways to clearly state an idea. If the customer has a question, I am more than pleased to provide answers in a clear style. When proofreading, I use expert knowledge that includes attention to details, such as grammar and proper usage of expressions. I have have gained proofreading experience through previous education. In my work, I pay close attention to detail so that all statements accurately convey the writer's intended meaning.
  • Yamato3262


    Thank you for correcting my English sentences. I wrote misspelling of "valuable people" , instead of "vulnerable people".

  • Yuka.Bleu


    Dear Ms AlphaSensei, Wow! I was amazed to see that my writing became much like a lawyer's one! It's amazing that you are familiar with legal language too. Thank you very much for letting me know the legal terminology and the sentences. I feel that the language is an important tool for lawyers but the same is true for me.

  • MisuzuST


    Thank you as always!

  • southern


    Dear Ms. AlphaSensei, Thank you for your corrections. It is right that I don't know certain terms regarding cooking. I try to learn those words. Kind regards



    Dear Teacher AlphaSensei, I am sorry for above question. Above sentences are not question, but messages. I apologized for inconvenience. Best regards, Ms. Misa-Office

  • southern


    Ms. AlphaSensei Thank you for your correction. I am surprised that the contracted forms are not often used in writing. Thanks to your help, my English skill is improving. Kind regard.



    Dear Teacher AlphaSensei, Thank you for your polite corrections. After correcting my sentences. they became sophisticated. I always learned many things. Other names for McDonald's in many countries are very interesting. Best regards, Ms. Misa-Office

  • southern


    Dear Ms. AlphaSensei, Thank you for your correction, again. Your comment made me understood how to use the definite article. Kind regards

  • southern


    Dear Ms. AlphaSensei, Thank you for your corrections and answer to my question. In my writing, some sentence aren't clear. I'll pay attention if a sentence I write could be understood in various way. I learn the expression "pique one's curiosity" thanks to you. Kind regards

  • Yamato3262


    Thank you very much for correcting my English sentences. I wrote misspelling of the word in last sentences. I should write "foreign countries" instead of "foreign courtiers".

  • Daisan


    Dear Ms. AlphaSensei, Thank you so much for many corrections. Also I am sorry for many mistakes. I will continue to learn how to be polite. That is necessary for me because I am working with foreign people in a few months. I always appreciate your strong support. Daisan



    Dear Teacher AlphaSensei, I appreciate your polite corrections! I learned that I should take care of a relation subject and verb. Best regard, Ms. Misa-Office

  • yoooheey


    I'm happy to read you understood my short essay. Thank you for your kind corrections again!

  • Makotk


    Thank you so much for your correction as always.

  • Daisan


    Dear Ms. AlphaSensei, Thank you very much for many pieces of useful advice, Ms. AlphaSensei. You also told me the importance to provide more details. There were a lot of things for me to learn from. I really appreciate it. I will try to write much better next time. Have a beautiful day, Ms. AlphaSensei. Sincerely, Daisan


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