Thanks for reviewing my writing and your kind advice! I will practice the subjunctive more and more. See you someday!
Thank you for coaching me, Yuichi
Thank you for your corrections and kind comments.
Thank you for coaching me, Yuichi
Thank you for coaching me, Yuichi
Thank you for correcting my mistakes. It's helpful.
Hi Roo90, I'm delighted to read your message. I learned a lot and want to try to use your amendments next time. Thank you for your feedback and stay safe. Regards, m-yoshiro
Thank you for pointing me a lot of my mistakes. I have to be more careful. I'll try! Thank you for everything!
Thank you for coaching, Yuichi
Thank you for coaching, Yuichi
Thank you for your helpful corrections. I have learned the use of "by" instead of "until."
Dear Roo90, Thank you for your feedback. I was looking forward to read it. I hope I can see you again. Regards, m-yoshiro
Thank you for your corrections and kind comments as always, Roo90! I won’t forget to put “the” next time! Thank you very much!
Thank you for coaching, Yuichi
Thank you for being so attentive to detail during my lesson!