Thank you very much!
Good evening Moni sensei I love chocolate too. Chocolate always makes me feel happy especially when it is a white one. Yes, I know we have to avoid chocolate to loose weights. It’s sad. Please take care. Thank you.
Hello Moni sensei I actually had a headache after back home. Too much coffee isn’t good for you and me. Thank you:)
Hello Moni sensei Thank you for your encouragement. I’m studying about English grammars now. Studying foreign languages is difficult but it makes me see wider world than before. Take care.
Good evening Moni sensei I was surprised about it doesn’t get dark till 9pm there! So you can go outside till late night if it isn’t so cold? I can’t imagine how it is. Thank you.
Good evening Moni sensei I wonder why it slip my mind to add ‘a’ or ‘the’ in sentences. It maybe affect the grammar of Japanese? I’ll try not o forget to add them. Thank you.
Hello Moni sensei Thank you for your kind explanations. Hope you enjoy weekend.
Good evening Moni sensei Hello and thank your understanding correctly what I wanted to say in English. It is way difficult for me to say some notions. Thank you.
Thank you very much for your comments!
Thank you Ms. Moni, I always learn a lot from your comments. Thank you so much!
Hello Moni sensei I slept earlier last night so I replied late this time. Your explanation is really useful, thank you. Yes, the ring is similar to your son’s smartwatch. It tells me how long I slept last night.
Good evening Moni sensei I tried some tricky sentences and your explanations are useless for me. Earthquake sometimes hit while night, so I put some bags stuffed with preparations under my bed. Thank you.
Good afternoon Moni sensei You have studied French for five years! Was it difficult? Some parts of French similar to English, no? English is only language I can speak(a bit) except Japanese, so I’m jealous people who can speak lots of languages. Thanks you.