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United States
United States
  • Exam Preparation
  • Teaching License
  • American English
Certified ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) educator in Florida, USA
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I am an outgoing woman with an energetic personality. I love making my friends and family laugh! Others would describe me as humorous, clever, competent, and compassionate. My hobbies include reading, cooking, exercising, and spending time with my pets! I love reading, because it is relaxing and opens new worlds. Cooking is a great way of trying new things and experiencing flavors of other cultures. I exercise regularly, which is beneficial to both body and mind! My pets are a dog and two cats. I have traveled all over the United States, as well as to a few different countries, including Canada, Mexico, and Spain. By far, my favorite was Spain; it is an incredible country rich in culture and history. I would love to visit Ireland, Italy, Egypt, and Japan in the future!
Message from the instructor
My goal for each customer is to provide sufficient and clear corrections in writing. I am passionate about learning, especially second-language learning. I have great admiration and respect for students who are taking on the task of acquiring another language, therefore put immeasurable efforts into helping them achieve this goal. I am friendly, patient, and focused. My style of teaching is considerate and kind, yet effective and progressive; I want to make each student feel proud and comfortable, while also helping them understand how to improve. With my compassionate personality and extensive technical knowledge related to English conventions and vocabulary, I am able to assist all levels of learners. I look forward to working with and helping as many students as I can!
  • Hikaru123


    My apologies for the late reply. Thank you for your suggestions and explanations. Your feedback is really helpful. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • Hikaru123


    My apologies for the late reply. Thank you for your suggestions and explanations. Your feedback is really helpful. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • Hikaru123


    My apologies for the late reply. Thank you for your suggestions and explanations. Your feedback is really helpful. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • Hikaru123


    My apologies for the late response. I’m grateful for your suggestions and explanations. I learned a lot of new things! I look forward to talking your lesson again.

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay, and sorry for my late reply. Your explanations were easy to understand and helpful! In particular, you helped me understand the difference between ‘would’ and ‘might.’ Thanks again!

  • UT


    Thank you very much,teacher Lauren! “To be happy we must not be too concerned with others.”—Albert Camus

  • UT


    Thank you for making the revisions. Teacher Lauren teached me the wrong what I had written in detail. Therefore, I could study a lot of knowledge through a review. In now, I try to anser the main question here. “No! Because life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” Have a lovely day! Sincerely, UT

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your suggestions were easy to understand and useful as always. In addition, you gave me so many compliments that I gained confidence. Thanks again!

  • mashroom


    Hello Ms. Lauren, I appreciate your advice! Your explanation is very fruitful and helpful for me! Have a wonderful weekend!

  • ayapeco


    Hi! Thank you for reviewing my paper! I loved how you gave other suggestions to give my sentence a boost. I admire how you give examples and synonyms which helped me understand what I could do next time. Thank you again!

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were easy to understand, and the alternative phrases you showed me were really helpful. I will be more careful about collocations. Thanks again!

  • mashroom


    Hello Ms. Lauren, I appreciate your advice! Have a nice week!

  • Okotokoto


    Thank you for answering my question. I understood very well!

  • comet80242


    Dear Lauren-san, Thank you very much for your message. How have you been doing? I appreciate your response to this matter. The alternative sentences with expressions you have offered are very useful for me. Thank you for your continued support. >I particularly enjoyed this passage because the prompt is relevant to me; I live in Florida! I heard that millions of genetically engineered mosquitoes are to be released in some areas in Florida. Also, I read in some article that their release will be expanded to California. Best regards, Ikufumi Moriya

  • comet80242


    Dear Lauren-san, Thank you very much for your message. How have you been doing? I appreciate your response to this matter. The alternative sentences with expressions you have offered are very useful for me. Thank you for your continued support. Best regards, Ikufumi Moriya


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