Dear Senken Thank you for some revisions to my sentences. I appreciate your suggestions to create a more natural flow in my prose. I hope that I will keep writing some prose to learn from you again. Sincerely, Bearmatsu
Thank you so much for your advices!
very helpful advices, thank you!
Dear Senken Thank you for encouraging me to keep writing in the IDIY. I appreciate your corrections for me to create sentences with a natural flow. I hope that I try to construct English sentences and express my thoughts in detail Sincerely, Bearmatsu
Thank you for your corrections!
Dear senken, Thank you very much for reviewing and I'm sorry for this delayed reply. I always appreciate your advice. Have a wonderful week, Midori
Dear Senken Thank you for revising my sentences more naturally like a native speaker. And I have learned about how to use "would" and "might". I hope to help me to further improve my English sentences. Sincerely, Bearmatsu
Dear Mr. Senken Thank you for advising me on the views of natural flows. I will be in progress little by little to become a master of natural English. Best wishes Bearmatsu
Dear Sennen, Thank you for your quick reply. You’re advice is really helpful for me. I’m always confused about something whether I should use noun or verb. I’d like to keep writing as much as I can. Thank you again. Best regards, guava56479
As you suggested some suitable phrases to construct natural English sentences, I recognized some natural flow of a native speaker. So I am very delighted to keep practicing making English sentences based on correct grammar by using IDIY online school.
Dear Senken, Thank you for all those corrections. I'll try to make use of them in my future writings. Have a great Tuesday, Midori
Thank you for correcting my sentences simply and concisely. I haven't caught some tips to construct English sentences like a native speaker. I tend to explain my thought in detail.
Dear Senken, Thank you again for reviewing my writing . I like your revisions made to my sentences. Have a wonderful week ahead, Midori
Dear Senken, Thank you very much for all the corrections and advive. I'll keep them in mind and incorporate them in my future writings. Have a nice weekend
Thank you for correcting my sentences politely. I also hope to continue practicing constructing sentences in English. I read some books written by Pref. Deguchi, who is a dean of APU. His excellent thought about education style as a university in Japan encourage me to try training in the English world to show Japanese identities.