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  • Business English
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  • American English
Post-Secondary education: >BA, French Specialist, University of Toronto: I have completed courses in psychology, sociology, and a range of french courses, such as Medieval Literature, Civilization, etc. >MBA, Schulich School of Business, York University, Toronto, Marketing & Entrepreneurship focus I have completed courses in Accounting, Economics, Human Resources, Finance, Marketing, and Entrepreneurial Studies. Certificates: >120-Hour Advanced TESOL Certificate/(Grade: A-92-with distinction) ONTESOL, Toronto. >30-Hour Teaching Business English / Online Certificate >30-Hour Teaching IELTS/ Online Certificate >Online Editing Certificate (part-time ongoing), Simon Fraser University, Surrey, BC >Editorial Freelance Association/ Copyediting Online Certificates -Beginner & Intermediate Levels/
I'm a first language English speaker. In Toronto, I've been a homestay host for male and female international students from Japan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Turkey, Brazil, France, Saudi Arabia, and China: teens & young adults. I have a -4yr-BA-French Specialist and an MBA, Marketing & Entrepreneurial Studies focus. Since my primary level education, I have learnt English Grammar
While I have not travelled outside of Canada very much, I really love watching documentary films about other countries and cultures, all around the world. I have a wonderful public library system in Toronto, so I try to read authors from all regions of the world. I get a thrill from reading other's writing, and being able to contribute to that creative process. I have a really, really broad range of topic interests, and enjoy constantly acquiring new knowledge, so I am comfortable giving writing feedback about most non technical topics.
Message from the instructor
I am familiar with international ESL assessment levels such as the CEFR, IELTS, TOEFL. It is important that I provide text correction appropriate to the writer's language level. Also, clarity and brevity and organization of feedback are essential factors. I have a very friendly, supportive and encourage style.
  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. As always, your explanations were easy to follow, and the alternative sentences you offered me were very useful!

  • mashroom


    Dear EstellaSTJ, I apologize for my late message. I appreciate your advice. Have a wonderful Sunday. Best regards, Mashroom

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your lovely comment. As always, your detailed explanations were easy to follow, and the alternative sentences you offered me were very useful! I have not heard of the personality models you mentioned. However, after a search on the internet, I think I know what they are like. I imagine that personality can change gradually, but it is hard for people to change their personality in the way they want.

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. As always, your explanations were easy to follow, and the alternative phrases you offered me were very useful! Mr. Hakamata is now completely free, but unfortunately, he is 88 and too weak to go out on his own. If I were him, I would be resentful about the fact that my life had been ruined. His sister said that she was really relieved that he was finally found innocent, and that she would not blame anyone for the wrongful conviction.

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. As always, you offered me a lot of alternative phrases, and they were very helpful! I’ve started eating brown rice as I heard it affects blood sugar level less than normal rice due to the abundance of fiber in it. I should learn about the negative aspects you mentioned.

  • brown81172


    Dear teacher EstellaSTJ, Thank you for educating me as always! I appreciate your feedback. I'm looking forward to learning from you! Best regards.

  • brown81172


    Dear teacher EstellaSTJ, Thank you for your detailed feedback! Also, I really appreciate your remarks that have motivated me a lot. I'm looking forward to your next class! Best regars.

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. As always, your explanations were easy to follow, and the alternative phrases you offered me were really helpful! In Japan, some city fireworks have been scaled down, while some have been cancelled. In my hometown, two fireworks festivals used to be held in August, both of which set off 30,000 fireworks each. However, a few years ago, these festivals were integrated into one, and the number of fireworks was reduced to 15,000. It was really a shame.

  • brown81172


    Dear teacher EstellaSTJ, I really appreciate your detailed feedback! I'll review your advice thoroughly. I'm looking forward to your next class!! Best regards.

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. As always, your teaching method helped me improve my vocabulary! I hope that the yen will regain strength, and overseas trips will become more affordable.

  • mashroom


    Dear EstellaSTJ, I am grateful for your advice. Thanks to you the exercise was very fruitful. Have a nice week. Best regards, Mashroom

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your suggestions. They helped me improve my vocabulary and broaden my writing style. I stopped using a flip phone about ten years ago, but I still remember that its battery used to last longer than my current smartphone, which was what I loved about that gadget.

  • zawa_duck-lover


    Thank you for your correcting and suggesting better sentences! I could easily understand your feedback.

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • lightpink21168


    Thank you very much for providing detailed explanation as well as different ways of writing, I can learn a lot from your feedback.


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