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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
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  • American English
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Bachelor Degree with Honours in Communication. TESOL (English Teacher) Advanced Level 5 Qualification with Distinction. Teaching English Grammar Certificate. Certificate Proofreading and Copywriting Diploma in Blog Writing I specialise in Business English, English Grammar, Reports, Papers for school and university, Books, Medical texts, Marketing texts, Emails, and General English.
My name is Lynn, and I am a native English teacher. I am looking forward to assisting you with your English Language writing.
I am originally from Coventry, which is in the centre of England. I worked as an IT Relationship Manager whilst I was living in England and spent a lot of my time travelling around the UK with work. So I was very lucky to see a lot of the country. I had been living in The Netherlands for 8 years and I loved the people and culture there. I was very lucky to live in a beautiful area called Zeeland which is full of woods and golden sandy beaches. Having moved to another country, I understand how challenging it can be to learn a foreign language. I also understand how successful it can be if the learning environment is fun and interesting. I have lots of hobbies and interests. I love to read, walk on the beach and in the woods, keep fit, canoe and eat! I like anything that makes me laugh and really enjoy spending time with my friends who are great fun. I really like food from different cultures, its wonderful to try something new.
Message from the instructor
My style is professional and exact. I like to ensure that all students continue to learn through their English writing, so I like to pass on as much knowledge about the British English language as possible through the text corrections. I have experience of teaching General English and Business English to adults, both face to face and online. In addition, I have been proofreading texts for 8 years for English language learners from all over the world. I would love to help you with your English language journey!
  • gorichan


    Hello, Lynne, How have you been? I'm happy to hear from you again. Thank you for the corrections you made on my submission. It's impressive to learn how you rewrote the sentences in a right way. I will take a break after this submission and come back later. Bye for now, and I will see you then. Yoko

  • yu44y


    Thank you for checking my essay!

  • Yuichi0228


    Thank you for coaching me. I really appreciate it.

  • eigo0615


    Dear Lynne_T Thank you for checking and correcting my text. It was very helpful for my English learning. I am looking forward to taking you lesson again. Best regards eigo0615

  • gorichan


    Hello, Lynne. How are you doing? I'm happy to hear from you again here.
 Thank you for the amendments you made on my essay. I'm happy to read your nice comments. Your corrections all make perfect sense to me. In my town, there is a big plant farm that is owned by Panasonic. Now, the company produces water culture lettuce instead of electric appliances. I hope to see you soon again. 
Bye for now.

  • cadetblue92593


    Thank you for your corrections and messages.

  • Koji007


    Thank you very much for the corrections.

  • cadetblue92593


    Thank you for your corrections and message.

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you as always.

  • gorichan


    Hello, Lynne, How are you doing? I'm happy to hear from you again here. Thank you for the amendments you made on my essay. I'm happy to read your nice comments. Your corrections all make perfect sense to me. I hope to see you soon again. Bye for now. Yoko

  • cadetblue92593


    Thank you for your corrections and messages.

  • Hiromi.S


    Dear Lynne, Thank you very much for amending my writing. I imagined a situation at work and made sentences for customers. Thanks to your kind comment, I am motivated to improve my writing skill for the business. I hope to see you soon. Wish you have a great day ahead! Best Regards, Hiromi Sumiya

  • gorichan


    Dear Lynne How are you? It's nice to see you here again. Thank you for the amendments you made on my essay. Reading your corrections my writings seem to make sense to you, so, I'm happy. As always you wrote me nice comments, thank you. I hope to see you soon again. Bye for now. Yoko

  • ivory58776


    Thank you so much for your correction. I have to admit I ignored minor grammar errors years. It was a good opportunity for me. I will use this service again!

  • nozomiya0418


    Thank you as always.


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