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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Teaching License
  • Advanced
Hello, I'm your dedicated English language teacher, and when you trust me with your work, you can expect a meticulous review. My strengths lie in my deep expertise in English grammar, keen attention to detail, and a commitment to clarity and precision. You'll receive timely, thorough revisions with constructive feedback to help you improve. Your work's confidentiality is guaranteed, and I'm dedicated to your success, be it in academics or the professional world. Let's work together to enhance your English writing skills and convey your ideas effectively.
Exploring my hobbies of reading, music, and gaming is a journey of endless fascination. Books transport me to new worlds, music uplifts my soul, and gaming unleashes my creativity. Likewise, my travels to London, Bali, Dubai, and Switzerland have been adventures that have broadened my horizons. Each place has its unique charm, from London's historical richness to Bali's serene beauty, Dubai's modern marvels, and Switzerland's breathtaking landscapes. Together, my hobbies and travel experiences have enriched my life and opened doors to countless new experiences and perspectives.
Message from the instructor
I bring a meticulous and detail-oriented approach to your work in my text correction style. I focus on eliminating grammatical errors, enhancing clarity, and ensuring your content meets the highest standards. I won't just correct; I'll provide constructive feedback to help you become a better writer. Your content's confidentiality is guaranteed. I'm dedicated to your success and look forward to contributing to your effective and impeccable English communication journey.
  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correction. Your suggestion 'adding "factor" or "aspect" after "significant" to make the sentence more precise.' was very convincing.

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correction. I'm sorry I have made a few basic mistakes.

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correction.

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correction. As you have corrected, the phrase 'grasp the significance of death' is what exactly I wanted to express.

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correction. Now I understand what the word 'outsider' means.

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correction. Your explanation that""Through" is often used to indicate a means or method" is very informative.

  • telescope


    Thank you

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your kind comment on my sentences.

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correction and kind word.

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correction.

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correction and important points. I understand your point that my answer is out of line with the content of the question. Also, I learned about the difference between mistake and error from you.

  • ty030908


    Thank you so much for your correcting my writing and explanations. I learned a lot from you. I could know the importance of using gender-neutral language. Also, I could understand the difference between "one" and "an individual".

  • ty030908


    Thank you for your correcting my sentences. Your explanation is very clear and convincing. The phrase you showed me "akin to terrorist acts" is very new and informative to me.


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