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South Africa
South Africa
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Teaching License
  • Kids
  • Advanced
Honours in Education BA Degree Higher Education Diploma
I possess several valuable strengths that contribute to my success. My leadership skills enable me to inspire and guide teams effectively, while my creativity allows me to approach challenges with innovative solutions. Adaptability is a key asset, helping me thrive in diverse environments. I excel in communication, both verbally and in writing, and manage my time efficiently. My unwavering integrity and resourcefulness set me apart, and I connect with others through empathy. Patience ensures I handle situations calmly, and I consistently complete tasks on time. These strengths collectively empower me to excel in various aspects of my life, both personally and professionally.
I enjoy a variety of hobbies that provide me with relaxation and intellectual stimulation. Firstly, I find solace in listening to music, where I explore different genres to suit my mood. I love watching movies, particularly those in the thriller genre, as I relish the suspense, plot twists, and the adrenaline rush they offer. Finally, I am an avid reader who indulges in both fiction and non-fiction novels. Fiction allows me to immerse myself in captivating stories and imaginative worlds, while non-fiction broadens my knowledge and perspective on a wide range of subjects, making my reading experiences both entertaining and educational.
Message from the instructor
Dear Customer I wanted to reach out to you personally and extend a warm welcome. Your interest in my text correction and feedback services is genuinely appreciated. I understand that when it comes to improving your written work, it's not just about grammar and style; it's about your voice and your unique journey as a second language learner. I'm here to offer you more than just corrections; I'm here to provide empathetic and thorough feedback that helps you express yourself with confidence. Whether it's essays, compositions, or any other written content, I'll work closely with you to understand your goals and ensure that your message shines through. I look forward to helping you achieve your writing goals. Kind regards
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