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BA In Creative Writing and Philosophy from Southwest Missouri State University MA In English Literature from Southwest Missouri State University University level English composition and literature instructor at South-West Missouri State University for six years, including creating and hosting a seminar on World Literature. Introduction to English Composition instructor at Piedmont Community College in North Carolina for three years. I also have four years' experience teaching middle and high-school grade students in New York City, making use of both my teaching license and TOEFL registration. I've been both an in-person and online tutor in various subjects including creative writing, literature, social studies, as well as American and British history for over thirty years.
Greetings, IDIY customers! Let me first say, I'm very much looking forward to working with you and helping you on the road to English comprehension. I find it personally rewarding to share knowledge with customers on subjects which are very dear to me, such as English composition and literature. I especially enjoy working with people of different cultural backgrounds. My time spent as an instructor and as a one-on-one tutor have enriched my understanding and appreciation for the diverse means by which humans connect with one other. Although I am versed in the more academic, scholarly techniques I am also aware of and fluent in the manifold idiomatic shifts in language over the ages. This combination, I believe, can help English learners express themselves in the vernacular of their own time whilst still offering them a grasp of the more traditional rules of grammar. The confidence I have seen growing in newcomers to the English language over the years has been an absolute joy to experience!
I am an American expatriate currently living in England, so I'm well-practiced in both American and British English. I've traveled throughout most of Europe, including Germany, Belgium, France, Spain, Slovakia, Estonia, and I've also spent a good deal of time in Norway. It is my hope one day to be able to visit Japan and some of the great cultural sites of the Far East. I am a voracious reader of classic literature of all genres. For the past few years, I've been learning the Italian language and have been reading some of the great Italian classics in the original tongue. Later this year, I hope to begin studying Japanese, including an initial attempt at learning Kanji characters with an eye towards eventually translating some of the great Japanese works of literature, such as The Human Condition by Junpei Gomikawa. Additionally, I love playing rhythm and blues piano and watching classic international cinema.
Message from the instructor
Hello customers! Let me just say that I'm really excited to be working for IDIY! One of my greatest passions in life is teaching English composition and literature to all sorts of age ranges across all sorts of different cultures. I think you'll be pleased with the amount of time and care I put into each of my responses. I want the best for you when it comes to grasping the English language, so I know that thorough, detailed, and informative responses to your questions will be key to your ongoing learning. It's a beautiful experience to learn another language and I would consider it a privilege to be able to guide you along in your journey towards English comprehension!
  • hosoaya


    Thank you for your corrections! As always, I learned a lot from you. I look forward to learning more English from you in the future. Thank you for all your help!


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