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South Africa
  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
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[License/Certificate] -Matric certificate. -120hr TESOL/REFL certificate.
My strengths are communication skills and a keen eye for detail. I possess strong communication skills which enable me to provide clear, constructive feedback to customers, explain errors, and suggest improvements while maintaining professionalism. I have a meticulous eye for catching spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, punctuation errors, and typos. My ability to spot even the smallest discrepancies can significantly improve the overall quality of the written content.
Hobby. Reading has been a cherished hobby of mine since early childhood. The enchanting realm of books has always captivated me, allowing me to escape reality and embark on thrilling adventures within the pages. I enjoy reading so much and it is far more than a mere hobby for me. It is a source of inspiration, knowledge, and comfort that opens the doors to endless possibilities. It ignites my imagination, broadens my horizons, and nurtures my intellect. Whether in times of solitude or in the company of fellow book lovers, reading remains an integral part of my life, keeping me connected to the magic of storytelling and the power of the written word. My favorite country: China. China holds a special place in my heart as my favorite country. Its rich history, stunning landscape, and vibrant culture inspire and amaze me. Its culinary scene is a treat for food enthusiasts like myself. From the fiery flavors of Sichuan cuisine to the delicate dim sum of Cantonese cuisine, Chinese cuisine never fails to tantalize my taste buds. Visited country. As an individual who has never ventured beyond the borders of their homeland, there is a wealth of intriguing countries I want to explore. Among these, China will be the first on my list. I hope to soon make my dream come true and indulge in the authentic wonders that make China my favorite country.
Message from the instructor
Thank you for your inquiry about my text correction style. I would be happy to provide you with some insights into the way I approach text correction tasks. I can describe my text correction style as thorough and meticulous. I believe in ensuring that the text is error-free, not only by correcting grammatical and punctuation mistakes but also by enhancing clarity and coherence. I pay attention to details and strive to maintain your voice and message throughout the revised text. Additionally, I provide explanations for the changes I make, giving you the opportunity to understand and learn from the corrections. Overall, my goal is to help you deliver a polished and professional piece of writing. Thank you for considering my text correction style, I look forward to the opportunity to work with you.
  • pitaya44817


    Thank you for the detailed advice for my essay as always! I am sorry my reply is late... I hope you will have a wonderful rest of your day!

  • telescope


    Thank you for correcting my writing!

  • pitaya44817


    Thank you for the engaging feedbacks, they motivate me to keep on writing essays! I will keep the citation rules in mind when I use evidence from a source next time. I always have difficulties keeping sentences short and on the point, but I am going to continue practicing!

  • pitaya44817


    I will keep working hard! Tennis is a really great sport, and it has made my school life so much more exciting! Yes, I love that it requires skills AND strategy because they create infinite styles and patterns of games. Thank you for the corrections and the feedback summary! I will be mindful to use varieties of words and keep the text compact. I think with practice, subjunction will get easier, I just need to get used to it. Have a great day!

  • pitaya44817


    Thank you for the motivational feedback! I will keep in mind to wrap up the essay by clearly restating my main idea!

  • pitaya44817


    Thank you, I will reach out to you if I need help!

  • pitaya44817


    I've had some bad experiences with teachers who do not recognize the need for managing their emotions during interactions... Anyways, thank you for the feedbacks and examples of alternative sentences!

  • pitaya44817


    Sorry that my replies are late for all of the works you had given me feedbacks on. I am going through them slowly, but I will eventually get there! Thank you for your clear and helpful explanations as always. I really appreciate it!

  • pitaya44817


    Thank you, I am doing great! I appreciate your thorough explanations. I will keep working on making my sentences simple and providing evidence to support my claim.

  • pitaya44817


    I am glad you are feeling better! Thank you for your concise feedback!

  • pitaya44817


    Thank you for the corrections! I will continue working on my grammar and sentence flow. Have a great rest of your day!

  • pitaya44817


    Thank you for the advice! I will work on those points to improve the readability of my writing!! Please feel better soon!

  • pitaya44817


    I am sorry to hear that you were sick. I hope you are feeling better by now... Thank you so much for the corrections and advice!

  • pitaya44817


    Thank you! Your explanations are always easy to understand and helpful!

  • pitaya44817


    Thank you Teacher PashyN! I will keep in mind to include specific examples when possible and reduce repetition!


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