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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
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Master of Arts| 1992 | University of Alberta Major: Political Science Bachelor of Arts| 1990 | University of Alberta Major: Economics Certificate of TEFL, Level 5, Supporting Learners to Prepare for an English Language Examination | 2021 | i-to-i TEFL Certificate of TESOL| 2019 | TESOL International Association - Advanced Program for Teaching English Online Certificate of TESOL| 2019 | TESOL International Association - Foundational Program for Teaching English Online Certificate of TESOL and TEYL| 2019 | Teach International
Hello! It's wonderful to meet you! It is my goal to help you improve your writing by making your sentences sound more natural and by providing clear explanations for questions about grammar and usage. In addition to extensive teaching experience, I have wide-ranging work and travel backgrounds. I am confident in speaking and writing about economics, history, politics, and international relations as I have degrees in both Political Science and Economics. I am also adept at discussing business, having run my own business for several years. I lived and worked in Japan and Ecuador and studied Japanese and Spanish as well as Latin.
In my free time I enjoy reading and hiking with my family and dog. I do not have a favorite country but have been lucky enough to have visited several countries including Japan. I lived and worked in Sapporo for nearly 4 years and from there spent time in Europe and South America. I currently live and work in Canada.
Message from the instructor
I have enjoyed many years of teaching English as a foreign language as well as learning other languages myself. My roles as both teacher and student have provided me with a strong understanding of grammar and the challenges of learning another language. I am confident that I can help you improve your fluency and accuracy when writing and look forward to reading your compositions!
  • mashroom


    Dear Elena, I appreciate your advice. Have a wonderful weekend! Best regards, Mashroom

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. You taught me a lot of useful alternative phrases. I will use them in the future essays!

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your detailed feedback. It was easy to follow and helpful! You also offered me a lot of alternative phrases.

  • mashroom


    Dear Elena, I appreciate your advice. Have a wonderful weekend. Mashroom

  • wakaran


    Thank you for correcting my essay. Your detailed feedback, which included a lot of alternative sentences, was easy to follow and very helpful. I am also grateful for your advice on my mental health!

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I look forward to taking your lesson again!

  • Kcomcom


    Thank you for your help!

  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. Your suggestions were easy to follow, and you showed me a lot of useful alternative phrases. Thanks again!

  • Kcomcom


    Thank you for your work!

  • mashroom


    Dear Elena, I appreciate your advice! Have a wonderful weekend! Mashroom

  • Hikaru123


    Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I learned a lot! I look forward to taking your lesson again.

  • m-yoshiro


    Dear Elena, Hello Elena, nice to meet you and I'm Yoshiro. Thank you for working for my entry and I am glad to have had this opportunity too. I wrote down the alternatives you gave me for practice. I hope you have a good rest of the day. Best regards, m-yoshiro

  • mandarine47068


    Thank you so much for great correction and useful advice!

  • mashroom


    Dear Elena, I appreciate your advice! Have a wonderful week. Mashroom

  • pitaya88556




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