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  • Business English
  • Beginner
  • Advanced
  • American English
  • Exam Preparation
  • Kids
[License/Certificate] n/a
I wanted to take a moment to update you on some important information. As your instructor, I am committed to providing you with the best possible experience, and I believe that transparency is a key part of that. Firstly, I would like to share with you some of my strengths. With several years of experience in this industry, I have developed a deep understanding of customers' needs and have honed my skills to provide effective and efficient service. I pride myself on my attention to detail, my ability to solve complex problems, and my commitment to ensuring your satisfaction. However, I am planning to take a long holiday in the near future, and I will notify you of the exact dates as soon as possible. While I understand that this may cause some inconvenience, I assure you that I will be taking steps to ensure that there will be minimal disruption to our services. Please note that while I am away, my response times may be delayed, and I apologize in advance for any inconvenience this may cause. However, rest assured that I will do everything in my power to ensure that your needs are met as quickly and efficiently as possible.
I wanted to take a moment to share a little bit about myself with you. When I'm not working, I enjoy spending my free time pursuing my hobby, which includes playing online games. I find that playing online games is a great way to relieve stress and unwind after a long day. It allows me to clear my mind and focus on something enjoyable, which helps me to recharge and stay centered. I haven't had the opportunity to travel internationally before, but I am looking forward to the day when I can. While I have enjoyed exploring my own country and local area, I know that there is so much more out there to see and experience. Japan has always fascinated me, and it's a country that I hope to visit one day. Japan is my favorite country, and part of the reason is my deep love for anime. There's something truly special about the way that Japanese animation brings stories and characters to life with such detail and emotion. Whether I'm re-watching a classic series or discovering something new, anime has a way of transporting me to another world and stirring my imagination like nothing else. I hope that this gives you a little glimpse into who I am outside of work.
Message from the instructor
Message to customers: I am dedicated to providing the best possible service and support, every step of the way. I am always here to listen and assist you in any way I can. My goal is to make sure that every customer feels valued and appreciated, and that they walk away from every interaction with a positive experience. My text correction style: I take great pride in my text correction style, which is focused on accuracy, clarity, and attention to detail. When I am reviewing and editing text, I am always looking for ways to improve the flow and readability while ensuring that grammar, spelling, and punctuation are all correct. I believe that good communication is essential to building strong relationships and achieving success, and I strive to help others achieve that through my text correction.
  • Tomoofk


    Thank you for your feedback and comments. They are really helpful.

  • Margaret


    Thank you so much!

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky, Thank you for your corrections and comments. Your corrections and alternative sentences are very helpful for my English learning. Warm regards, JUNn

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky, Thank you for your comments and your corrections to my composition. Your comments are very helpful to beat my laziness. I will try to follow your advice. Kind regards, JUNn

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky, Thank you for always your corrections to my compositions. Warm regards, JUNn

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky, Thank you for your corrections. I will continue studying English Kind regards, JUNn

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky, Thank you for your corrections. Your corrections are very helpful for me. Warm regards, JUNn

  • pinocchio_k


    Thank you for all of your supports. I’m going to take IELTS test the beginning of June so I need to render my writings better. I’m always pleased with kind words or applause to my writings from you. again, I always appreciate it.

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky, Thank you for your corrections. Your alternative sentences is clear and concise. These are very helpful for me. Kind regards, JUNn

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky, Thank you for your corrections and warm comments. Your comments brave me to study English more. Warm regards, JUNn

  • gemini64300


    Thank you for your correction. We look forward to seeing you again next time.

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky, Thank you for your corrections to my compositions. Your comments brave me to study English. Warm regards, JUNn

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky, Thank you for your corrections to my compositions. Your comments are very helpful for my English learning. Warm regards, JUNn

  • shigeru0521


    Hi, Bisky. Thanks a lot for your help!

  • JUNn


    Dear Bisky Thank you for your corrections to my sentences. Those are very helpful for my learning. I also like the sound of the rain. I also like the smell of the rain. I want to try a hot chocolate porridge with milk! Warm regards JUNn


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