My apologies for the late reply. Thank you for your explanations and suggestions. I look forward to taking your lesson again.
Thank you for your suggestions! You offered me a lot of useful phrases. I will use both short and long sentences when writing essays.
Thank you for your polite correction.
Thank you for correcting my essay. Your explanations were easy to understand and helpful. Writing sentences in a simple way is sometimes difficult for me, but I will try. Thanks again!
Thank you for your reply! I learned a lot form your message. I'm glad to understand more natural English. Thank you!
Thank you for your correction and message!
Thank you for your timely response. Have a nice week!
Thank you very much for your review! I'm going to ask you for advice again!
Thank you for your suggestions and explanations. I learned something new. I look forward to taking your lesson again.
I appreciate your prompt reply. Have a nice day.
Dear CatUK020, Thank you for your polite feedback. Your comments are very helpful. Regards, Junichi
Thank you for your suggestions and explanations. Your feedback is really helpful. I look forward to taking your lesson again.