Hello Mx. ClaraJohanna, I appreciate your advice! I hope you have a great weekend.
Thank you for correcting my email and providing helpful suggestions. I will apply what I learned this time to my future work. I look forward to having your lesson again.
Dear ClaraJohanna-san, Thank you very much for your message. How have you been doing? I appreciate your response to this matter. The alternative sentences with expressions you have offered are very useful for me. I am glad you are my tutor. I look forward to working with you. Best regards, Ikufumi Moriya
Hello Mx. ClaraJohanna, I appreciate your advice. Your suggestion had many fruitful information.
Hello, I appreciate your advice!
Hello, I appreciate your advice!
Dear Johanna-san, Thank you very much for your message. How have you been doing? I appreciate your response to this matter. The alternative sentences with expressions you have offered are very useful for me. I am looking forward to working with you next time. Best regards, Ikufumi Moriya