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  • Exam Preparation
  • Business English
  • Beginner
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I have a Bachelor of Science degree in business administration (marketing and management). I have earned an editing and proofreading diploma, with a distinction grade, from the College of Media and Publishing. I am also a member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP) and have certificates from the following courses: Proofreading 1: Introduction Proofreading 2: Headway Proofreading 3: Progress Copyediting 1: Introduction Copyediting 2: Headway.
Hello, I am a trained proofreader and editor, and I enjoy helping people. I excel at catching small mistakes that others might overlook such as spelling, grammar and punctuation errors. I also enjoy offering people suggestions to improve the clarity and reword awkward phrases. I will help you ensure your writing is both correct and engaging. Thank you.
I have lived in three countries. I was born in the United States of America, moved to Germany for four years and now live in England. My hobbies include reading, watching films, spending time with my family and friends, strolling through the countryside with my chihuahua and staying active by doing yoga and running.
Message from the instructor
When I give corrections, I will explain in detail what is correct, what is incorrect (and why) and recommend alternative word choices. I provide gentle, constructive feedback while focusing on positive suggestions. I look forward to working with you on your texts.
  • wakaran


    Thank you for your feedback. As always, your detailed explanations were easy to follow, and the alternative phrases you offerer me were very useful!


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