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*I worked for many years in libraries, mainly in bibliographic services as a cataloguer. This required an eye for detail and a solid grasp of grammar and punctuation, which honed my skills for my subsequent transition to proofreading.
Hi there! My name is Isobel and I am a native English speaker, based in Scotland. I have been proofreading in an employed and freelance capacity for over 10 years. I am available most of the time.
In my spare time, I enjoy swimming and walking for exercise, crafts such as knitting and crochet, and cultural pursuits such as visiting museums and art galleries. My most visited country has to be Spain and its islands. I have visited mainland Spain (Galicia, Almeria and Valencia) and the islands of Mallorca, Lanzarote and Fuerteventura, so I guess you could say it's my favourite too.
Message from the instructor
Dear Customer, I hope to have the pleasure of correcting your text. I will check your English texts thoroughly for spelling, grammar, punctuation and style, explaining my corrections and, where appropriate, offering suggestions for alternative ways of phrasing.
  • mashroom


    Dear Isobel, I appreciate your advice! Have a nice weekend. Bet regards, Mashroom


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